When word got out that Vancouver-based D.O.A. was scheduled to play Cantone's, you knew the outcome would be disastrous. And with only two days of publicity, Cantone's was oversold. As soon as D.O.A. took the stage slammers began to take position on the club's booth seats. Lead vocalist Joey Shithead needed only to scream "Ronald Reagan, you're fucked up," hit the first few notes to "Fucked Up Ronnie", and the club started falling apart in a fiery frenzy of of slam dancers. The tiles were literally ripped down from the ceiling and in a matter of two minutes Cantone's was filled with asbestos dust. In a rage, Teddy Cantone, the club's owner, tried desperately to shut down the show, but for the time being failed as D.O.A. blitzed into their second and final song of the night, "The Enemy". Several minutes later the Boston Police Department sent everyone home. -- Boston Rock #34