Nicholas Christopoulos Personal Site
7x16 XSG Fixed Unicode Font

This is my lovely font for writing code. I was created it back at 2015 when the same time I was playing with fontforge for the XSG project. It is a unicode (ISO 10646-1 BMP) fixed-width bitmap condensed bold font, with 7x16 matrix.

It supports:

You can see all the symbols here.

The source file includes the Athenian numbers, however I dont think this is included in the final font (it is encoded > 0xffff).


My fonts are free in the sense of the GPL and OFL.



Get root access. Copy the .pcf.gz file to X Windows misc fonts directory (usually it is at /usr/share/fonts/misc/). Update font cache or restart.
$ sudo install -m 0644 -o root -g root xsg-fixed167-b.pcf.gz /usr/share/fonts/misc/
$ sudo fc-cache -r


More fonts by me...
UNI-VGA is a Unicode VGA font for X11 and console.
The Ultimate Old-School PC Font Pack.